Monday, February 15, 2010

Leaf efficacy Kentutan

Leaf fart (Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.)
Synonym: P. chinensis Hance. = P. foetida Auct. = P. foetida, Linn. = P. tomentosa, Bl.
Family: Rubiaceae

Annual herb, trunked climbing, woody base, 3-5 m. long Grow wild in the open field, bushes or in the river bank, sometimes dirambatkan dipagar page as a medicinal plant and can be found from 1-2. 00 m 1 dpi. Single leaf, stemmed 1-5 cm in length, located opposite, egg-shaped, round to oval or lancet. Heart-shaped leaf base, pointed tip, flat edge, 3-12,5 cm long, 2-7 cm wide, upper surface of the hair or bare bone pinnate leaves, when crushed smell of fart.

Flowers flowers arranged in panicles compound, out of the armpit or the end of the branching leaves. Crown of white flowers, the inside of a dark purple tube. Fruit round, yellow, shiny, 4-6 mm long. Leaves eaten as Ialab or disayur. Propagation by stem cuttings or seeds.

Local Name:
Kahitutan (Sunda), Kasembukan (Java),; Bintaos, kasembhukan (Madura), Gumi Siki (Ternate); Leaf fart, sembukan (Sumatra); Ji shi teng (China).

Chemical properties and pharmacological effects:
Taste sweet, old-time feel a little bitter, neutral. Anti-rheumatism, pain relief (analgesic), peluruh fart (carminative, peluruh urine, peluruh sputum (mucolytic), appetite enhancer (stomakik), antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, cough medicine (antitussif, remove toxins (detox), de-worming, cramp reliever.

Chemical Ingredients: stem and leaves contain: Asperuloside, deacetylasperuloside, scandoside, paederosid, paederosidic acid and gamma-sitosterol, arbutin, oleanolic acid and the oil evaporated.

Part Used:
The whole herb or root. Once collected, washed Ialu dried, stored in a dry place, for use if necessary.


* Seizures (colic) gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract,
* Abdominal bloating.
* The pain of wounds, eyes or ears.
* Infants with impaired absorption of food, mainutrisi.
* Pain yellow (icteric hepatitis), inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), dysentery.
* Bronchitis, cough (whooping cough).
* Rheumatism, impact injuries, broken bones (fractures),
* Sprain.
* White blood reduced (leukopenia) due to irradiation (radiation)
* Organic phosphorus poisoning in agricultural products.
* Urine is not well

To drink: 15-60 g, boiled.
External use: Herba washed sufficiently after soft ground, for diturapkan gets sick or herbs to taste boil the water for washing. Used for treatment of skin inflammation (dermatitis), ekzema, wounds, abscesses, boils, ulcers on the skin, venomous snakebites.

How to use:
1. Stomach mules because the wind:

* 25 pieces of leaves or steamed vegetables are made, as lalab cooked meal.
* For external treatment, the leaves on fire dilayukan then tied on the stomach.

2. Eye feels hot and swollen:

* Leaf sufficiently washed with water and boil.
* After boiling removed, the patient was placed above the steam.
* When the water was warm, the leaves are covered with a piece of cloth, placed over the eyes of the sick until the leaves become cold, the new pack was changed again.

3. Sick stomach (gastritis), flatulence, dysentery:

* 15-60 g of fresh leaves are washed and boxed up like mush.
* Add 1 cup of boiled water and 1-2 teaspoons of salt, toss well and then filtered.
* Drink before eating.

4. Herpes zooster (chickenpox snake):

* The leaves are washed and boxed up like mush.
* Add a little water and salt to taste, to dibalurkan around small bubbles dikulit.

5. Sprue:

* 1 / 6 handheld fart leaves, 1 / 5 handheld slobber leaves, 1 / 4 handful of sage leaves, 1 / 5 handheld leaf pulp, 1 / 4 handful Sembung leaves, 1 / 4 handful of Centella asiatica, 3 / 4 teaspoon fennel, 3 / 4 finger pulosari, 3 / 4 teaspoon coriander, 1 / 2 finger lempuyang rhizome, 1 / 2 finger turmeric rhizome, 3 / 4 finger cinnamon, palm sugar 3 fingers.
* All materials are washed and cut into pieces as needed.
* Boil with 4 1 / 2 cup water, until the remaining approximately half.
* After chilling filtered, divided for 3 times a drink, finished in 1 day.

6. Inflammation of the middle ear:

* 1 / 2 handful of leaves, washed and finely milled.
* Squeeze in 1 tablespoon of salt water, squeezed and filtered.
* The water used for dripping a sick child's ear.
* Put 4-6 times a day, 3 drops each time.

7. Ekzema, itchy skin (pruritus), neurodermatitis:

* Stems and fresh leaves and then washed sufficiently finely ground.
* Attach place disorder.

Injecting drug had been made. This drug lnjeksi cause local pain. This herb drink engender a special smell in the air of breath and urine of the user.

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