Pariah (Momordica charantia L.)
Synonym: = M.balsamina, Blanco. = M.balsamina, Descourt. = M.cylindrica, Blanco. = M.jagorana C. Koch. = M.operculata, Vell. = Cucumis africanus, Lindl.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Pariah or pare common in tropical areas, grows well in lowland and can be found growing wild in wastelands, fields, cultivated or planted in the garden with the fence dirambatkan, to take the fruit. These plants do not need much sun, so that can thrive in places somewhat protected.
Crops a year, creeping or climbing by means of tendrils pembelit or spiral-shaped, much branched, smelled bad. Of five ribbed stems, 2-5 m long, young haired meeting. Single leaf, stemmed 1,5-5,3 cm in length, where the turns, the long round, with 3,5-8,5 cm long, 4 cm wide, sharing menjari 5-7, base heart shaped, dark green color . Until Taju grooved rough toothed pinnate. Flowers single, in pairs of two in one tree, long-stemmed, yellow. Fruit round elongated, with elongated ribs 8-10, berbintil, irregular nodule, 8-30 cm long, bitter taste. Color green fruit, orange when ripe to be broken with 3 valves. Seed lots, yellowish brown, elongated and flat shape, hard.
There are 3 types of plants pariah, ie lard pariah, pariah pariah frogs and forests. pariah lard thick fleshy, light green color or white, great shape and length and it was not so bitter. pariah frog short round fruit, taste bitter. forest is untouchable pariah in the wild, small fruit and taste bitter. To obtain a long fruit and straight, usually at the end of the small fruit that hung stone still. Leaves of wild-growing pariah, called tundung leaves.
This leaves more efficacious say when used for treatment. Leaves and young fruits are eaten as raw or after lalab first steamed, cooked as a vegetable, stir fry, fried sambal, gado-gado, and so on. These plants can also be used to kill insects. Propagation by seed.
Local Name:
Pariah, pare, pare bitter, pepareh (Java). Prieu, bitter melon, foria,; Pepare, kambeh, untouchable (Sumatra). Marsh, pariah, truwuk,; Paita, paliak, pariak, pania, pepule (Nusa southeast). Poya,; Pudu, pentu, pariah belenggede, palia (Sulawesi). Papariane,; Pariane, papari, kakariano, taparipong, papariano, popare, pepare;
Chemical properties and pharmacological effects:
Bitter, cold, anti-inflammatory. Sign meridian heart, liver and lung.
Fruit: Peluruh sputum, blood cleanser, adding appetite, fever, body freshener.
Interest: Stimulates the digestive enzymes.
Leaves: Peluruh period, laxatives, stimulants vomiting, fever.
Chemical Ingredients:
Leaves: Momordisin, momordin, karantin, trikosanik acids, resins, resinat acid, saponins, vitamins A and C and fatty oil consists of oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid and L.oleostearat.
Fruit: Karantin, hydroxytryptamine, vitamins A, B and C.
Seed: Momordisin.
Curable Disease:
Cough, sore throat, red eye pain, fever, malaria.; Adding appetite, diabetes, Rhematik, Sprue; ulcer, abscess, fever, malaria, liver pain, constipation, intestinal worms;
Parts used: fruit, seeds, flowers, leaves and roots.
- Cough, sore throat (Pharyngitis).
- Thirsty for heartburn.
- Sore and red eyes.
- Fever, malaria.
- Fainting due to heat (heatstroke).
- Increase appetite.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Dysentery.
- Rheumatism, rheumatic gout.
- Increase the milk (milk).
- Coming menstrual pain (dismenorrhoea).
- Sprue.
- Lnfeksi roundworms.
- Digestion disturbed
- Parasitic Worms.
- Wounds, abscesses, ulcers.
- Erysipelas.
- Late period.
- Constipation, increase appetite.
- Sick liver.
- Fever.
- Smooth milk expenditures.
- Syphilis, gonorrhea (Gonorrhea).
- Nourish the hair on toddlers.
- Dysentery amoeba.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Parasitic Worms.
- Impotence,
- Cancer.
To drink: 15-30 g in juice or boiled.
External use. Fruit or leaves are ground fine enough, for local use on burns, boils, abscesses, eczema, insect bites, prickly heat (Miliaria), launched a milk expenditures, and so on.
How to use:
1. Thirsty from the heat inside, fever, heat stroke:
One fruit pariah fresh raw washed, and then split. Discard the contents, cut into pieces sufficiently, then braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks.
2. Diabetes:
a. Pariah 200 g fresh fruit is washed and then blended. Add enough water, then squeezed with a piece of cloth to collect as many as 50 ml (quarter cup). Lemon warmed gently for 15-30 minutes. After a cold drink, do every day.
b. 200 g of fruit and washed pariah thinly sliced. Boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks, do every day.
3. Dysentery.
Wash fresh fruits and untouchable cut open, its contents removed. Grated or dijuice, water to drink. Immediately drink boiled water. One drink 200 cc.
4. Amoebic dysentery, diarrhea:
Take root fresh pariah as much as 30 g. Washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, add sugar to taste and drink.
5. Intestinal worms in children:
a. Fresh leaves of 7 g, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water. After chilling filtered, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir until evenly distributed, drinking well before breakfast.
b. Take two to three seeds pariah. Grind until smooth, stirring with a little cooking water. Drink, followed by drinking warm water. This concoction for treatment of roundworms.
6. Fertilize thin hair and ruddy:
a. Take a handful of pariah leaves, wash clean. Leaf then boxed up like mush, add water 3 / 4 cup. This potion then condensed overnight. Early in the morning this concoction filtered, the water used to wash the scalp.
b. Take a leaf of fresh pariah sufficiently, and then washed. Paria leaves were ground until smooth, then squeezed with a piece of cloth. The water used to grease the scalp. Do it every day. This herb is used primarily for infants and toddlers.
7. Boil or abscess:
Take a handful of pariah leaves, wash and boil with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks.
8. Fever, malaria, liver pain, constipation, intestinal worms:
A handful of pariah leaves washed and finely crushed. Add 1 cup of boiled water, stir thoroughly and then filtered. Air filter to add a little salt, then drink in the morning before eating.
9. Gonorrhea:
6 paria leaves, roots jayanti 2 finger, 2 finger skin frangipani, ginger rhizome 1 finger, 3 finger palm sugar, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Simmer with 4 cups.
Note sampimg effects:
Pariah (Momordica charantia) is rich in vegetable mineral content of calcium and phosphorus, as well as carotenoids. Pariah also contains momorchorin alpha-, beta-momorchorin and MAP30 (momordica antiviral protein 30) are useful as anti HIVAIDS.
However, the seeds also contain triterpenoid pariah who have anti-sperm activity, so the use of traditional seeds pare with the intent to prevent AIDS can lead to infertility in men. Pare consumption in the long run, either in the form of juice, lalap or vegetable, can kill sperm, trigger impotence, damage testicles and male hormones, and even liver damage.
For pregnant women, should be limited because consumption pare experiments in mice showed giving pare juice cause a miscarriage.